Blog post in Oikos blog about the phylosophy behind the Oikos paper "Colony size and foraging range in seabirds" Selected by R Jovani
Study Projects How Climate Change Will Affect the Functions Birds in Ecosystems Worldwide SciTech Daily (Global Change Biology paper) Selected by JL Alcantara
Swift Incredible Journey Selected by R Jovani
Flowers make the menu for nearly all Galapagos birds Science News (Nature Communications paper) Selected by JL Alcantara
Habitat degradation and climate shifts impact survival of the white-collared manakin EurekAlert! (Oecologia paper) Selected by JL Alcantara
Birds flying in a V take turns in the top spot, study finds Los Angeles Times-Science (PNAS paper) Selected by JL Alcantara Play the caterpillar defense National geographic (American Naturalist paper) Selected by J Broggi
Darwin 2.0: Scientists shed new light on how species diverge (Nature paper) Selected by JL Alcantara
Agriculture Is Reshaping the Avian Tree of Life American Scientist (Science paper) Selected by JL Alcantara Fatal Attraction of Short-Tailed Shearwaters to Artificial Lights Science daily ( PloS One paper) Selected by J Broggi
Winter bird feeders: Get ready for a busy season Science/AAAS (Global Change Biology paper) Selected by JL Alcantara
Dinosaur family tree gives fresh insight into rapid rise of birds (Current Biology paper) Selected by JL Alcantara
Migrating birds sprint in spring, but take things easy in autumn ScienceDaily (Behavioral Ecology and Sociobiology paper) Selected by Jose L. Alcantara
Hummingbirds evolved a strange taste for sugar ScienceNews (Science paper) Selected by JL Alcantara
Group foraging in little penguins ScienceDaily ( PLoS ONE paper) Selected by R Jovani
Mixed Genes Mix Up the Migrations of Hybrid Birds ScienceNewsline (Ecology Letters paper) Selected by JL Alcantara
Dinosaurs 'shrank' regularly to become birds BBC (Science paper) Selected by JL Alcantara
Parrot Who Was Among Last of Its Kind, Said to Have Inspired ‘Rio,’ Dies National Geographic Society Selected by JL Alcantara
Researchers declassify dinosaurs as being the great-great-grandparents of birds (Journal of Ornithology paper) Selected by JL Alcantara
Pristine fossil confirms Archaeopteryx as original bird United Press International (Nature paper) Selected by JL Alcantara
All gone: How erasing billions of birds shocked us Yahoo! News (PNAS paper) Selected by JL Alcantara
Plants hitch a lift on migrating birds BBC Nature (PeerJ paper) Selected by JL Alcantara
Mapping the evolution of a ring species Univ. British Columbbia (Nature paper) Selected by R Jovani
Closest Living Relative of Ancient Elephant Bird Is Tiny LiveScience (Science paper) Selected by JL Alcantara
Identifying evolutionary distinct birds WIRED (Current Biology paper) Selected by R Jovani
Ten Thousand Birds: Ornithology since Darwin Myriad Birds Selected by JL Alcantara
The 100 most distinct and rare birds BBC Nature (Current Biology paper) Selected by JL Alcantara
Hummingbird Evolution Soared After They Invaded South America 22 Million Years Ago ScienceNewsline (Current Biology paper) Selected by JL Alcantara
Bird’s Extinction Is Tied to the Arrival of Humans The New York Times (PNAS paper) Selected by JL Alcantara
A bird-like dinosaur called “Chicken from Hell” NPR news (PLOS One paper) Selected by JL Alcantara
Wintering irruptions of Snowy owls in North America and Europe (in Spanish) SEO/BirdLife blog Selected by R Jovani
Punk Amazon pheasant is a European emigrant NewScientists (Naturwissenschaften paper) Selected by JL Alcantara
Flights of Fancy in Avian Evolution American Scientist Selected by JL Alcantara Why do birds fly in a V? Endangered ibis reveals its amazing secret (VIDEO) Los Angeles Times (Nature letter) Selected by J Broggi
Sharp-toothed tigerfish jumps to eat a bird (VIDEO) (J Fish Biol paper) Nature News Selected by J Broggi
On the evolution of bird fingers. PHYS.ORG (J Exp Zool paper) Selected by R Jovani
Albatross colony shows benefits of same-sex pairing ABC Science (J Proceedings of the Royal Society B paper) Selected by JL Alcantara Swifts stay airborne for six months at a time New scientist(Nature communications paper) Selected by J Broggi
100 years ago bird lovers were encouraged to use the field glasses rather than the gun The Guardian Selected by R Jovani
Trees send distress signals that birds use to find insects Sinc(Ecol Lett paper) Selected by R Jovani
I’m singing in the rainforest Max-Planck-Gesellschaft (journal of interdisciplinary music studies paper) Selected by JL Alcantara
Fossil Poo Reveals Where Ancient Giant Bird Ate Discovery News (PNAS paper) Selected by JL Alcantara
Colonizing songbirds lost sense of syntax e! Science News (Current Biology paper) Selected by JL Alcantara
Songbirds may have 'borrowed' DNA to fuel migration (Evolution paper) Selected by JL Alcantara
Collision Course ScienceNews (ScienceNews paper) Selected by JL Alcantara
Social learning of migratory performance PhysOrg (Science paper) Selected by R Jovani
Evolution of parasitic egg colouration: parasites also select. Not Exactly Rocket Science blog(Biol Lett paper) Selected by R Jovani
European birds adjust their flight initiation distance to road speed limits BBC News(Biol Lett paper) Selected by R Jovani
The secret of male beauty (in turkeys) UCL News (PLOS Genetics paper) Selected by JL Alcantara
Bird hunters 'emptying Afghan skies' BBC News Asia Selected by JL Alcantara
Secrets of the world’s toughest little bird Griffith U. News (Nature Communications paper) Selected by JL Alcantara Outdoor Cats: Single Greatest Source of Human-Caused Mortality for Birds and Mammals American Bird Conservancy (Nature communications paper) Selected by J Broggi
Hiding in plain sight: New species of bird discovered in capital city e! Science News (Forktail paper) Selected by JL Alcantara
Foraging space partitioning without territoriality in a seabird ScienceDaily (Science paper) Selected by R Jovani
Bird extinction leads to rapid evolution of seed size The Red Notebook (Science paper) Selected by R Jovani
Bird song changes in translocated birds ScienceDaily (J Appl Ecol paper) Selected by R Jovani
Why penguins lost their wings ABC Science (PNAS paper) Selected by JL Alcantara
Simulated patternity uncertainty: Males care about intruders but feed nestlings regardless of patternity uncertainty ScienceDaily (PLoS ONE paper) Selected by R Jovani
Seabird Bones Reveal Changes in Open-Ocean Food Chain Science Daily(PNAS paper) Selected by F Mateos-Gonzalez
New fossil brings new light on the evolution of hummingbirds and swifts Science NOW(Proc R Soc B paper) Selected by R Jovani
Testosterone vs. audience on the regulation of bird fights and social status ScienceDaily (Hormones and Behavior paper) Selected by R Jovani
Lead bullet fragments poison rare US condors BBC News Selected by JL Alcantara
Avoiding cuckoo parasitism by breeding indoors Live Science(Beh Ecol Sociobiol paper) Selected by R Jovani
Why I study duck genitalia... or... why basic science matters Slate Selected by R Jovani
A study about play in cranes BBC Nature(Ibis paper) Selected by R Jovani
Pretty great tits make better mothers Discover (Frontiers in Zoology paper) Selected by JL Alcantara
Humans wiped out Pacific island birds ABC Science (PNAS paper) Selected by JL Alcantara
The Rise and Fall of Four-Winged Birds Not Exactly Rocket Science (Science paper) Selected by R Jovani
Sex role reversal: Female shorebirds rule the roost BBC News (Nature Communications paper) Selected by JL Alcantara
Birds communicate their size through song ScienceDaily(PLoS ONE paper) Selected by R Jovani
How Birds of Different Feathers Flock Together ScienceDaily (Animal Behaviour paper) Selected by JL Alcantara
The Owl Comes Into Its Own The New York Times-Science Selected by JL Alcantara
On the evolution of UV vision in birds ScienceDaily(BMC Evol Biol paper) Selected by R Jovani
A great tit predating upon a common redpoll (video; Finnish) Ilta Sanomat Selected by R Jovani
Killing Barred Owls To Save the Spotted Owl CNN Selected by JL Alcantara
New dinosaur fossil challenges bird evolution theory e! Science News (Nature paper) Selected by JL Alcantara
Fractal geometry of a plumage pattern changes with physical condition in partridges ScienceNow(Proc R Soc B paper) Selected by I Galván
As Andean condors decline, tradition draws critics Reuters Selected by JL Alcantara

see Older News on the left-hand column

Saturday, 6 December 2008

Llucaretes veïnes però diferents en el Pirineu català

A 2000 metres s.n.m en Juan Carlos Senar i el seu equip fa temps que estudien dues poblacions de Llucareta (Serinus citrinella)separades tan sols 5 Km. una de l’altre; una a la cara nord (La Vansa) i l’altre a la cara sud (La Bofia) de la muntanya, on les condicions ambientals són contrastades. La Vansa és freda i humida amb abundància de pins; La Bofia és més càlida, seca i amb menys pins. Per estudis anteriors se sap que les dues poblacions comparteixen hàbitat durant l’hivern, i que es produeix un considerable intercanvi recíproc d’individus.

Com a mínim en teoria, és difícil que una població s’adapti a les condicions ambientals on viu (adaptació local) si constantment hi arriben individus adaptats a viure en altres ambients. Però això és en teoria. En aquest estudi es va trobar una forta diferenciació genètica entre les dues poblacions de Llucareta, i els individus de La Bofia tenien les ales més curtes i els tarsos més llargs que els de La Vansa. Diferents hipòtesis poden explicar aquests resultats, però el que és més notori d’aquest estudi és que demostra que no cal que dues poblacions estiguin completament aïllades perquè s’hi doni una diferenciació local, o sigui, una evolució amb camins diferents.

> Senar, J. C., Borràs, A., Cabrera, J., Cabrera, T., i Björklund, M. (2006) Local differentiation in the presence of gene flow in the citril finch Serinus citrinella. Biol. Lett. 2: 85-87. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2005.0412
Photo by courtesy of Ignacio Perez

------------------------ ESPAÑOL ------------------------------

Verderones serranos vecinos pero diferentes en el Pirineo catalán

A 2000 metros s.n.m Juan Carlos Senar y su equipo hace tiempo que estudian dos poblaciones de verderones serranos (Serinus citrinella) separadas tan sólo 5 Km. una de la otra; la primera en la cara norte (La Vansa) y la segunda en la cara sur (La Bofia) de la montaña, donde las condiciones ambientales son contrastadas. La Vansa es fría y húmeda, con abundancia de pinos; La Bofia es más cálida, seca y con menos pinos. Por estudios anteriores, se sabe que las dos poblaciones comparten hábitat durante el invierno, y que se produce un considerable intercambio recíproco de individuos.

En teoría, al menos, es difícil que una población se adapte a las condiciones ambientales donde vive (adaptación local) si constantemente llegan allí individuos que están adaptados a vivir en otros ambientes. Pero eso, sólo es en teoría. En este estudio se encontró una fuerte diferenciación genética entre las dos poblaciones de verderón serrano, y los individuos de La Bofia tenían las alas más cortas y los tarsos más largos que los de La Vansa. Diferentes hipótesis pueden explicar estos resultados, pero lo que es más notable de este estudio es demostrar que no hace falta que dos poblaciones estén completamente aisladas para que se dé una diferenciación local, o sea, una evolución con caminos diferentes.

> Senar, J. C., Borràs, A., Cabrera, J., Cabrera, T., i Björklund, M. (2006) Local differentiation in the presence of gene flow in the citril finch Serinus citrinella. Biol. Lett. 2: 85-87. doi:10.1098/rsbl.2005.0412

Foto cortesia de Ignacio Perez

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